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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Watching lives transform

This past week was really good; it was full of miracles. We have been helping one of our investigators, Donna, with reading and understanding, and she has improved quite a bit in just the few weeks since we started helping her. Monte and she are great; they really want to do what is right. Then it is cool to see the changes that Serena and Faith have been making to come closer to our Savior. Faith set a baptismal date for this Sunday, so hopefully everything will go great. It was cool to hear Serena bare her testimony in Gospel Principals class this past Sunday. I know we wouldn't have all of these miracles without the help of the Lord. Elder Justensen has been a great missionary; he has helped me a lot with confidence and becoming a better missionary. I am grateful that I was able to serve with him. Transfers are in a week and a half, so I won't know who my companion is until next Monday.
---David on 9 February 2015

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