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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blessing and helping people (and David's first mission birthday)

On Wednesday we had district meeting, and Elder Austad found out that it was my birthday tomorrow, so he and Elder Vang made brownies and the district sang to me. Then Elder Justensen got a cake at WalMart and made it for me on Friday, because we were busy on Thursday. This past week has been a little challenging with finding and thinking about taking over the area. When Elder Justensen leaves on February 18th, he ends his mission, but that is also good. The Lord is always there when I ask for help, which I am grateful for. This past week, we were able to get back into contact with Serena, which was really great, and I am grateful for that. She is doing better; she just struggles with some things she has gotten into with Word of Wisdom issues in the past. She seemed happy to see us. Then we were able to give a blessing to a former investigator, Mary who is in her 80s, I think, and her LDS daughter at the hospital. Mary isn't doing good, and they think she is going to pass away this week. It was good that we were able to give them both a priesthood blessing. Than we were able to meet with Donna and Monte. We have been helping Donna with reading and understanding, because she struggles with reading and trying to understand. That is going good.
---David on 2 February 2015

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