Lift up your voice!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Apostles, Hawaiian companions, weather above freezing, and investigators' testimonies

Elder Bednar came this past Friday. He talked during stake conference and at my mission conference. So I got to hear from him twice. And I am doing great! My companion is going home this next week. He has served his time for now and is at the end of his mission. He is short and really tough. Like muscles. He likes to surf, sing, and dance. He is from Oahu in Hawaii. I get to visit the temple once a transfer in my mission, every six weeks. So pretty often!
---Matthew on 19 January 2015

The weather has been warm these past few days, in the 30s to high 40s. We had a great lesson with one of our investigators, Kyle. It was great. Before we left, Elder Justensen asked him if he knows the Book of Mormon to be true, and he said he believes the Book of Mormon is true, which is really great. We are also having him set a date for his baptism after he turns 18, which is in October.
---David on 19 January 2015

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