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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Miracles, blessings, and special experiences

This past week was great. This past week was full of miracles. We haven't been able to get ahold of Serena for a while. She is someone we have been teaching, and we were able to get back in contact with her and Faith on Tuesday. She relapsed into smoking and was depressed, so that is why we haven't been able to get ahold of her until now. We were able to have a great lesson with her and were able to give her a priesthood blessing, which was a great experience. After the lesson, she said she was feeling a lot better. Then we were able to see her again on Thursday with Sis. Leonhardt and Bro. Melton, which was good, too. Bro. Melton shared a really powerful testimony that seemed to help her, and we were also able to leave a blessing on her home.

Then while we were weekly planning, we got a call from a former investigator's daughter who is a member in a different area, and she felt prompted to call us and ask if we could give her non-member mom and sister priesthood blessings, because they were going through a harder time. The mom is in her 80s, I want to say, and the older sister is in her 50s or 60s. It was a really great experience to be there and to play a part in giving them both a priesthood blessing. We felt the Spirit, and I am sure they did, too. Then we were able to have a good lesson with Monty and Donna, some investigators we are teaching. We talked about the last 3 or 4 points in the Plan of Salvation, and I shared my testimony about it and how it has helped me with Anthony passing away, and I was able to feel the Spirit as I shared my testimony. I am grateful to be holding the Priesthood, and I know it is the power of God.
---David on 12 January 2015

I am doing great! Some exciting news that is going to happen and that has happened... I went to the Lubbock Temple with my companion, Elder Pahulu (from Hawaii), for a endowment session, and then I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting. I talked about enduring to the end. My talk was based off the talk that was given in the October 2013 General Conference by Richard J. Maynes, and called "The Strength to Endure." I have the talk in my journal, so I will have to share that when I return home. But in the meantime, the big, exciting news is that Elder Bednar is coming to my mission and will be instructing us about certain things regarding our mission. So it's exciting that I will be able to meet a living Apostle! It's a humbling experience that I will have, and I will be grateful for it.
---Matthew on 12 January 2015

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