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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spiritual guidance and a new location

I hope everyone is having a great week. This past week was really great; it was full of a lot of small miracles. Wednesday I went on exchanges with Elder Vang. We stayed in Winona, which was great. He spoke to this one Hmong lady in the area I am in, and I didn't understand anything of what they talked about, but he was able to set up a time for us to come by and share a message with them today. She has 11 kids and doesn't speak English, but her kids do, and she said it would be fine that her kids went to church, if they are interested. Then we passed by this potential investigator. I was kind of scared to go stop by, because last time her boyfriend and his friend told us that they weren't interested and were a little mad, but the Spirit prompted me to stop by, so we turned around and prayed, and then we stopped by and we were able to get ahold of Karen, the potential investigator, and we were able to schedule a time to meet with her this week. She told us that her boyfriend and she are having a hard time together. I am grateful that I listened to that prompting I got. I know that we can see great things happen as we listen to the promptings of the Spirit, even if they are small.
---David on 16 March 2015

I have been transferred to Abilene, Texas [address updated in the right column].
---Matthew on 16 March 2015

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