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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Led by the Spirit in helping people

This past week was great; it was full of small miracles, which I am grateful for. We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders in our area, which was great. I went with Elder Stiles, who is a great. Then we had District Meeting that next day on Thursday, and after that we went on exchanges with the Sparta Elders. I stayed in Winona with Elder Jenson. It was a good experience. We were able to have a great lesson with Kyle about missionary work, and we were able to teach according to the Spirit and were able to get him thinking of stuff he can do now to reach his spiritual goal of being baptized before he turns 18. I was able to share the experience I had about praying that night when Anthony passed away and how the Lord helps us in times of need, just like He helped me at that hard time I went through. Kyle's grandpa isn't doing too great; he has dementia. We were also able to do better at finding with the Lord's help. I am grateful to be serving a mission. Also the mission that I am in is going to be getting iPads around May 28th, which will be really nice. I am excited.
---David on 9 March 2015

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