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Monday, April 6, 2015

General Conference blessings for everyone

This past week has been great. There were some great things we were able to see this past week. We were able to have a great lesson with Monte and Donna about knowing how to know what is truth. They also came to the first session of General Conference, which was great. I am with Elder Youngberg. He is a great missionary and great example of going out and doing the Lord's work. He and I came out the same time on our missions. It has truly been a great blessing to hear the prophet, apostles, and Church leaders. My testimony has been able to be strengthened by listening to the prophet and the apostles. What was one thing that stuck out you at General Conference? There was a lot that stuck out to me, but I really liked the story about the plane crash, where the little girl had hope and kept moving towards the light she saw in the distance. Also the story that Elder Holland told about the two brothers who were rock climbing at Snow Canyon without any equipment.
I am glad that I am serving the Lord. It may be hard at times, but it is sure worth it. Also I just found out that Josh Ferish, who ran with me in high school, just got his mission call to the same mission as me, which is really cool.
The Mississippi River has already melted and all of the snow that we had, too. It has been in the 40s to 60s this past week.
---David on 6 April 2015

I am doing great! I loved General Conference, and I was very blessed to here all 4 sessions plus the Priesthood session, as well! I really loved the story Elder Holland told about the two bothers in southern Utah hiking at Snow Canyon. And how one waited for the other till he jumped, and then he saved him. And that's how Jesus Christ is with us!
---Matthew on 6 April 2015

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