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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Finding and teaching in the frozen North

The Mississippi River has been frozen over for the past few weeks now. The zone I am in is the Rochester Zone, which covers Rochester, La Crosse, Sparta, Winona, and a few other places around Rochester. We do visit Wisconsin at least once a week for district meeting which is in Onalaska, Wisconsin. We have a car that we drive and we get 1,500 miles a month, because the area we cover is big. Matthew and I have been e-mailing pretty regularly.

This past week was great; it was full of small miracles. One was when we were doing some contacting on the campus of Winona State University. I prayed and asked for help with finding someone with whom we can share the Gospel, and a few seconds later this guy walks past and I was prompted to talk to him. We were able to teach part of the Restoration to him. He wasn't too interested in us coming back to teach him more, but it was cool that God answered my prayer that fast, because this man was willing to listen to us for a while.

Faith is a really smart girl for being 8 years old. We talked about temples and family history with her, and she was sad that she has to wait 4 years before she can go to the temple. She is really amazing, and her mom, Serena, is also. I am glad that we get to teach them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her mom can't wait to get baptized. We are just waiting on some things. She is a amazing lady, and she wants to do what is right.
---David on 2 March 2015

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