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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Testifying at the temple and witnessing conversion

I am doing really well! I was able to teach a recent convert in my ward on the temple grounds, and our lesson was about the temple. So that was a super cool, and humbling experience. I learned a lot about how I can better use the temple in my area to tell people about it, because most people don't know anything about temples. Especially in Texas. Life is good! I am still in Lubbock. I have now been out for 8 months, which is 1/3 of my mission. Time is really flying by fast! Love ya tons!
---Matthew on 16 February 2015

This week is transfer week. I am staying in the same area, and I am with one of the zone leaders, Elder Styles for the next day, because my companion and a few others that are finishing their missions headed up to the mission home. Then I will be with Elder Winder, my new companion, tomorrow, who is a great Elder. I met him a few times before. I was able to meet him yesterday at zone conference, which was really great. I was able to learn some great things, and the Spirit was strong there. This past week was really amazing. Faith got baptized on Sunday and the baptism program was great. The spirit was strong there, and Serena, her mom, got up and shared her testimony, which was amazing. I am grateful for this opportunity we had to see Faith get baptized, and she will be confirmed a member of the Church this coming Sunday. I will have to send a picture next time, because I forgot my camera. Then we were able to see some less actives and a few of our other investigators this past week. I am grateful to be a missionary. It has been a great blessing in my life just in the few months I have been out. I hope everyone is doing great back at home.
---David on 17 February 2015

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