Lift up your voice!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Preparing to commemorate Easter

This week has been great. We have been able to teach a few more people about the Restoration. We also had a district P-Day this past Monday, which was fun. We played some card games. We also played soccer. Then on Friday, we had zone training, which was really good. We were able to watch the #becausehelives video, which was really amazing. It is about 3 minutes long, but it won't be out on the Church's website until this Friday. It is a great video to help people remember the true meaning behind Easter, and I would encourage you to share it with family and friends. It would also be a great way to share your testimony about Jesus Christ with others.

Because He Lives

This transfer has really flew by fast; it feels like I have only been with Elder Winder for a week or two. Serena was able to come to church this last Sunday, which was really great. She seems to be doing a lot better than she has been in the past few weeks.
---David on 23 March 2015

I am now in Abilene, serving in the 3rd Ward here [on the eastern edge of the Lubbock Mission]. They have a really nice chapel here! It's a little older one, but it's all made out of wood in the actual chapel with some upgrades! But it's pretty sweet!

Abilene 3rd Ward chapel
[There are three other churches just down the street, as well.]

The people here are pretty open with the Gospel. We have been picking up a lot of new investigators as we continue to find and teach the Gospel. I am still getting used to my area. But I am all unpacked and made my apartment "mine."

I had an interesting laundry session this morning. I dumped the soap on top of my clothes instead of on the bottom, and my clothes got super soapy, and I had to hand wash them, it was a good experience, but a mistake I will not make again!
---Matthew on 23 March 2015

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