Lift up your voice!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Three (or four) missionaries serving

I am doing very well! This past week was actually rather interesting. I got pooped on by a bird, our AC unit broke, and I gave a talk in church about sacrifice (since I am a missionary, I focused it about member missionaries). How you should be devoted and willing to sacrifice worldly things to build the kingdom of God.

My companion is from Ogden, Utah. He is 20 years old, and he has been on his mission for 1 year and a couple of months. He is very soft spoken, but when he speaks, his testimony is very powerful. Dexter is very small, but the people here are very respectful and kind. But very religious in whatever religion they are in. And it makes it tough to teach and to find people, because they are soooo firm in their faith that they aren't willing to listen.

I shared my testimony about the Plan of Salvation to some lady that grew up in the LDS faith until she was in the 8th Grade. I shared the experience about how Anthony had a special disorder that made him limited to things he could do on Earth. When he died, I explained to her that I was frustrated, mad, and sad at the same time. And I prayed to Heavenly Father about how He could take away such a special spirit. And I bore my testimony that families can be together forever. And how Anthony's spirit was there when I was sharing that experience.

In reality, in the Plan, we are the ones actually away from home! So let's live our lives the way the Savior would want us to. Let's be devoted and committed to being member missionaries and to bringing souls home to Heavenly Father, so He doesn't have to feel the pain that we feel about losing a very close loved one!

I know that everything happens in this life for a reason and purpose. So let's make the best of it with everything we have! Thanks for your support and love.
---Matthew on 14 July 2014

The first day at the MTC was hard, but things are getting better hour by hour.
---David's first message from the MTC on 15 July 2014

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