Lift up your voice!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blessings in all kinds of areas

Know that I am doing well. I am still staying in Federal Way with the same companion, and not much is new with me, other then the fact that 2 investigators that we have been working with really closely dropped us. But I am happy for this new week,  :D  and I love this area.  :D
Courtney is still committed for baptism on 7/19, and the ward is amazing.  :D  I know both Sis. Hills and I are here for a reason.  :D  You are always in my prayers, and I wish you nothing but the best. Stay safe, and have a stellar week.
---Cassandra on 30 June 2014

I am now in Dexter, New Mexico. And I love it here! Except the living conditions are not that great... There are bugs all over the house. And the water is unsafe to drink. I would also tell you that it's very hot down here in New Mexico. It's going to be around 110 in July! And it was 107 the other day! It breaks 100+ everyday!
I have started teaching people with new investigators. And I seem to connect with people very easily. I really feel the Lord is blessing my family back at home from my mission and my service.
---Matthew on 30 June 2014

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