Lift up your voice!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Intro to this blog

Dear friends and family!

The Cousins Serving blog is for the purpose of sharing the mission experiences of Sister Cassandra Swapp (in the Washington Federal Way Mission), Elder Matthew Young (in the Texas Lubbock Mission), and Elder David Swapp (in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission). Welcome to their blog, and feel free to comment (appropriately) and to leave your greetings on any of the posts.

Besides the posts and photos being shared, there are also some informational documents available on this blogsite (at the top of the right column) that keep us up to date with their addresses and current locations as well as offering maps, links, and other information about the areas where they are serving.

If anyone has anything to share or any suggestions to make for this blog, please send them to me at my e-mail address below.

Let's all support these dedicated missionaries for the Lord with encouraging messages and packages, and let's follow their example in being good disciples of Christ and in sharing our understanding of life's purposes with everyone around us.

God bless our missionaries and the people they serve!



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for setting up the blog Steve. It is cool to see how all of them are doing on one spot. Love ya for doing it. Sherrena
