Lift up your voice!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blessings bring positive attitude

An investigator named Courtney whose husband we are working with is less active, and she has 2 little girls and one on the way. She is amazing. Yesterday she brought her whole family, even her mother-in-law who was in town for the week, to church, and that was just so priceless. :D I am so psyched for her, and I know that this is something she truly wants and she is committed to baptism on July 5th.   :D  Ahh, we are just so happy for her.  :D   Other then that, the other big one was last Monday at Walmart we were talking to this cashier named Patsy, and she wanted us to come see her, which shocked all of us so we got her contact info. But she wasn't in our area, so the Zone Leaders are teaching her and she is committed to be baptized in July as well.  :D   I'm still working on talking more, and it's slowly getting better. It's still really hard for me, though. Most of the food here is pretty normal unless Sister Kauer (a member in the Lakota Creek Ward, where I serve) gets adventurous. (She creates some interesting concoctions or seafood that is just weird to me.) We are blessed to have a washer and dryer in our apartment which is really nice. All the apartments here do,  :D  but that doesn't mean it's the same everywhere. We get to go to the temple once a year, so depending on when we go, I might be able to get there twice before I go home.Have such a stellar week and be safe.  :D  Know that you and the whole family are always in my prayers.  :D  I wish you nothing but the best.  :D
---Cassandra on 9 June 2014

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