Lift up your voice!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Almost foreign

Oh, BTW...

Matthew is living 1:45 hours away from the Mexican border.
Cassandra is living 2:45 hours away from the Canadian border.
And David is living 5:15 hours away from the Canadian border
(and part of Canada is within his mission boundaries).

David's first area in the mission field

David has now been in his first assigned area in Minnesota since at least Thursday. He is living in the town of Rosemount, 30 minutes south of downtown Minneapolis, just a short distance south of Eagan, MN and southeast of the Minnesota Zoo. Rosemount is small, but the whole area between Minneapolis and Rosemount is filled with suburban neighborhoods.

He lives in the Eagan Ward in the Oakdale Stake. It looks like they drive 8 miles west to their meetinghouse. The Apple Valley and Burnsville Wards also meet there.

He only lives about 20 miles from the Wisconsin border, and most of his stake is in Wisconsin (see the included map of the stake boundaries). He lives about as far north as Yellowstone, but Cassandra lives further north. David and Cassandra are now about 1,700 miles from each other..

All three now in the mission field

I am doing pretty good. I will send some pictures to you next Monday. My companion is Elder Harker, and he is great. He is a little taller than me and is from Idaho. Thursday was the first real day of doing work out in the mission field. It was alright. We tracted, and I need to work on that, because I sometimes I don't know how to start a conversation or what questions to ask, but I am doing a little better, and I will get the hang of it in a few weeks. The people here are great. I am meeting all kinds of people here.

There are a lot of lakes here, there aren't really any mountains, and it is green here, a lot of trees. There are also a lot of different religions here, which makes it a little harder to get people to listen to you. The ward here is great. We had a dinner with a member family each night except on Mondays, and last night we had Indian food, which was good. We had this kind of rice with spinach sauce stuff with cottage cheese things in it and this other dish that is some kind of vegetable that they soak in spices and than deep fry, which was good, The family that fed us Indian food is from India, and they are in the ward that I am in, and there are a lot other cultures in Minnesota.

Right now there is one progressing investigator, and we are trying to find some more investigators. The weather isn't too bad here; the highest it got was high 80's, and it has rained a few times here with high humidity. They just had one of the holidays they celebrate here, Leopard-cons Day, which is like 4th of July, so at a lot of the houses we tracted, nobody answered, because they were either at the fair or didn't want to answer. Also this Sunday in Sacrament Meeting, they did something that I haven't seen before, but they don't do it that often. It was kind of like Fast Sunday, but instead of going up and bearing your testimony, you would pick your favorite hymn, then come up and say why you like it, then we would sing that song, which was good.
The longer I am out the more I am used to being out in the mission field.
I hope you have a great week  =)
---David on 28 July 2014

This past week has been full of experiences! I fasted for a full 24 hours, and I saw many miracles while fasting and praying. I gave a priesthood blessing for the first time. That was quite interesting, and I was nervous. But the Holy Ghost put words into my mouth that I didn't even know I was saying. God does talk to others through our own voices, if we are worthy and willing. My companion and I right now have a investigator who is preparing for baptism on August 9th. And she has much potential for preparing for that day. They don't celebrate Pioneer Day as a New Mexico state holiday. But at church there were a lot of talks regarding the pioneers and the sacrifices they made so we could have all the blessings we have today, such as the temple. 
And the amazing beauty of the buildings!

Days are long, but weeks are fast! Thanks for your love, and support!
---Matthew on 28 July 2014

My week was good. I was sick for a few days, but that's normal haha. Nothing too exciting happened this week other than Shelia coming to church, which was amazing, and my companion and I sang in Sacrament Meeting. That was terrifying, but fun at the same time. (I just hope that next time we don't get voluntold that we are singing.) Then we taught the Gospel Principles class, which was interesting, because it was a last minute thing haha. Other than that, not much  :D  Oh, and we had housing inspections and we got an A+++ so yay!
---Cassandra on 28 July 2014

People seeking peace in the Gospel

My mission is teaching me soo many things! I am starting to develop love for the people I serve. The mission is going by soo fast! The days are long, but the weeks are fast! I am teaching several people, and we have 2 baptismal dates. One person is Ann. She and her husband want to be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. But her husband is dying. So she has to be baptized first. But she wants to be baptized. She came to us as missionaries. That was a tender mercy, showing that Heavenly Father has prepared people to hear about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this church is true with all my heart! I know that Heavenly Father loves us individually, and blesses families! I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I love my mission!
---Matthew on 21 July 2014

Courtney got baptized, and her husband was able to baptize her! Yay! Her in-laws came into town to be here for her, and they are from Utah. The downfall was during church their truck got stolen, and they had left everything in it! I can't believe some people! We're going over today to see if they were able to find the truck yet. Other than that, some old missionaries who went home including my last companion came back to visit, and it was awesome seeing them. Shelia (the one that we have been working with) and the Veetches surprised us by coming to church on Sunday. And Sister Murray's daughther came and is now living with her, which is awesome. She is so happy to have her family together, and I love working with them.  :D  Not much else other than the fact that transfers are in 2 weeks, and I know that either I will be getting a new companion or leaving the area. President told me himself haha, and my parents told me a few weeks ago haha. They are in close contact with the president haha.  :D

As for the spiritual experience we had soon after Anthony's passing, we were driving in an apartment complex and we saw this girl (our age) crying on the curb with a few suitcases. We drove past, but then we felt like we needed to go back and talk to her, so we parked and ran to her... She opened up and told us how her home life sucks and how her boyfriend just passed away... We hugged and I was able to share my experience of having lost Anthony not even a few weeks earlier and how I knew that we would be able to see them again. I testified of the Plan of Happiness, and we were able to give her a Book of Mormon and tell her that it was all going to work out, that she just needed to trust in the Lord and trust that the Book of Mormon could help. We were able to get contact info, and we've been able to see her a few times since then.  :D  I know I am where I am supposed to be, even if it is a challenge at times, but hey, the Lord cares about our growth and progression in becoming more like Him than He does about our 100% comfort  :D

---Cassandra on 21 July 2014

Never too late

Here's a happy story about the baptism of a 100-year-old woman in Tacoma, Washington (close to where Cassandra is currently serving)...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

It could be worse

Well, my cousin's daughter, Sis. Madysen Messer, reports from Japan that the typhoon crossed her island, but fortunately the rain and wind were not too bad where she lives.

Oh, and she caught one of her investigators rolling his own cigarettes with pages from the Book of Mormon! In her positive attitude, she says, "We will work with him."

So whatever your challenges are, remember it could be worse.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

So proud of my niece and nephews for their positive and willing attitudes and for their vision of what the Gospel of Christ can do for people. May they continue to be blessed!   :-)

Three (or four) missionaries serving

I am doing very well! This past week was actually rather interesting. I got pooped on by a bird, our AC unit broke, and I gave a talk in church about sacrifice (since I am a missionary, I focused it about member missionaries). How you should be devoted and willing to sacrifice worldly things to build the kingdom of God.

My companion is from Ogden, Utah. He is 20 years old, and he has been on his mission for 1 year and a couple of months. He is very soft spoken, but when he speaks, his testimony is very powerful. Dexter is very small, but the people here are very respectful and kind. But very religious in whatever religion they are in. And it makes it tough to teach and to find people, because they are soooo firm in their faith that they aren't willing to listen.

I shared my testimony about the Plan of Salvation to some lady that grew up in the LDS faith until she was in the 8th Grade. I shared the experience about how Anthony had a special disorder that made him limited to things he could do on Earth. When he died, I explained to her that I was frustrated, mad, and sad at the same time. And I prayed to Heavenly Father about how He could take away such a special spirit. And I bore my testimony that families can be together forever. And how Anthony's spirit was there when I was sharing that experience.

In reality, in the Plan, we are the ones actually away from home! So let's live our lives the way the Savior would want us to. Let's be devoted and committed to being member missionaries and to bringing souls home to Heavenly Father, so He doesn't have to feel the pain that we feel about losing a very close loved one!

I know that everything happens in this life for a reason and purpose. So let's make the best of it with everything we have! Thanks for your support and love.
---Matthew on 14 July 2014

The first day at the MTC was hard, but things are getting better hour by hour.
---David's first message from the MTC on 15 July 2014

Everyone has a mission

I am loving, and struggling with my mission. The mission is the hardest thing I have ever done with my life! And each day goes by fast, but the days are long! But I am doing fine. And I am trying to stay positive in all I do. I am teaching some less-actives and investigators. I wanted to tell you to tell everyone that every person on Earth has a mission and should be bringing people closer to Christ at all times. I invite you to do that.
---Matthew on 7 July 2014

Blessings in all kinds of areas

Know that I am doing well. I am still staying in Federal Way with the same companion, and not much is new with me, other then the fact that 2 investigators that we have been working with really closely dropped us. But I am happy for this new week,  :D  and I love this area.  :D
Courtney is still committed for baptism on 7/19, and the ward is amazing.  :D  I know both Sis. Hills and I are here for a reason.  :D  You are always in my prayers, and I wish you nothing but the best. Stay safe, and have a stellar week.
---Cassandra on 30 June 2014

I am now in Dexter, New Mexico. And I love it here! Except the living conditions are not that great... There are bugs all over the house. And the water is unsafe to drink. I would also tell you that it's very hot down here in New Mexico. It's going to be around 110 in July! And it was 107 the other day! It breaks 100+ everyday!
I have started teaching people with new investigators. And I seem to connect with people very easily. I really feel the Lord is blessing my family back at home from my mission and my service.
---Matthew on 30 June 2014

Same ole blessings in Lakota Creek

It's crazy to think that Elder Young is out in the field and that my bro leaves in just a few weeks! How are you doing? Is there anything I can do to help you?
I am staying in Lakota Creek for another transfer, and I am staying with the same companion, Sister Hills.  :D  I really don't have much to report this week. Got a haircut, and we are talking to everyone, but other than that not much... Oh, this Saturday is a BBQ we are putting on, which should be a lot of fun.  :D  Anyway, know that you are always in my prayers and that I wish you nothing but the best.  :D
---Cassandra on 24 June 2014

Two missionaries serving

     Matthew with his MTC district in front of the Provo Temple in June 2014

I am loving the MTC, but it is probably the hardest thing I have done in my lifetime. Leaving behind family, friends, and of course all 16 of my girlfriends. I am serving with Elder La Fours (it's French). He is from Montana and is 19 years of age.
---Matthew on 13 June 2014

Courtney is still committed to be baptized on 7/5, and when we saw her last, she said she was going to quit coffee cold turkey, because she really wants this and she wants to be able to go to the temple and become a forever family. :D She is amazing! Other then that its just been inviting people to a BBQ that the ward is putting on and talking to everyone, which is still a huge struggle for me, but I promise miracles happen as you open your mouth and share what you know. :D
---Cassandra on 16 June 2014

Blessings bring positive attitude

An investigator named Courtney whose husband we are working with is less active, and she has 2 little girls and one on the way. She is amazing. Yesterday she brought her whole family, even her mother-in-law who was in town for the week, to church, and that was just so priceless. :D I am so psyched for her, and I know that this is something she truly wants and she is committed to baptism on July 5th.   :D  Ahh, we are just so happy for her.  :D   Other then that, the other big one was last Monday at Walmart we were talking to this cashier named Patsy, and she wanted us to come see her, which shocked all of us so we got her contact info. But she wasn't in our area, so the Zone Leaders are teaching her and she is committed to be baptized in July as well.  :D   I'm still working on talking more, and it's slowly getting better. It's still really hard for me, though. Most of the food here is pretty normal unless Sister Kauer (a member in the Lakota Creek Ward, where I serve) gets adventurous. (She creates some interesting concoctions or seafood that is just weird to me.) We are blessed to have a washer and dryer in our apartment which is really nice. All the apartments here do,  :D  but that doesn't mean it's the same everywhere. We get to go to the temple once a year, so depending on when we go, I might be able to get there twice before I go home.Have such a stellar week and be safe.  :D  Know that you and the whole family are always in my prayers.  :D  I wish you nothing but the best.  :D
---Cassandra on 9 June 2014

Great family support in all directions

I am just so grateful that we are part of this amazing family. Know that I am praying for you, too, and I wish you the best week. :D
Be safe and know that you are never alone. :D

---Cassandra on 2 June 2014

Intro to this blog

Dear friends and family!

The Cousins Serving blog is for the purpose of sharing the mission experiences of Sister Cassandra Swapp (in the Washington Federal Way Mission), Elder Matthew Young (in the Texas Lubbock Mission), and Elder David Swapp (in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission). Welcome to their blog, and feel free to comment (appropriately) and to leave your greetings on any of the posts.

Besides the posts and photos being shared, there are also some informational documents available on this blogsite (at the top of the right column) that keep us up to date with their addresses and current locations as well as offering maps, links, and other information about the areas where they are serving.

If anyone has anything to share or any suggestions to make for this blog, please send them to me at my e-mail address below.

Let's all support these dedicated missionaries for the Lord with encouraging messages and packages, and let's follow their example in being good disciples of Christ and in sharing our understanding of life's purposes with everyone around us.

God bless our missionaries and the people they serve!

