Lift up your voice!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Two missionaries serving

     Matthew with his MTC district in front of the Provo Temple in June 2014

I am loving the MTC, but it is probably the hardest thing I have done in my lifetime. Leaving behind family, friends, and of course all 16 of my girlfriends. I am serving with Elder La Fours (it's French). He is from Montana and is 19 years of age.
---Matthew on 13 June 2014

Courtney is still committed to be baptized on 7/5, and when we saw her last, she said she was going to quit coffee cold turkey, because she really wants this and she wants to be able to go to the temple and become a forever family. :D She is amazing! Other then that its just been inviting people to a BBQ that the ward is putting on and talking to everyone, which is still a huge struggle for me, but I promise miracles happen as you open your mouth and share what you know. :D
---Cassandra on 16 June 2014

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