Lift up your voice!

Dedication to Anthony Swapp

As our family happily follows the missionary service of Cassandra, Matthew, and David, we are also missing the youngest member of our family. In the midst of all of these mission preparations, our beloved Anthony departed this life. We can only surmise that God brought him Home for some important purposes and that he is now able to accomplish some wonderful things on the other side of the veil.

And now we see that our knowledge about our eternal family ties and about eternal life have already helped our missionaries to bless the lives of people they have met. Our experiences with Anthony will always be a part of our lives, and apparently he can also be a blessing for the people we encounter in this life.

We invite everybody to visit Anthony's online memorial.

Dear Anthony, we have every confidence that you are doing great things for the Kingdom and that you are watching over all of our family members, wherever they may be. Someday we will all be Home with you.



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