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Monday, July 28, 2014

People seeking peace in the Gospel

My mission is teaching me soo many things! I am starting to develop love for the people I serve. The mission is going by soo fast! The days are long, but the weeks are fast! I am teaching several people, and we have 2 baptismal dates. One person is Ann. She and her husband want to be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. But her husband is dying. So she has to be baptized first. But she wants to be baptized. She came to us as missionaries. That was a tender mercy, showing that Heavenly Father has prepared people to hear about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this church is true with all my heart! I know that Heavenly Father loves us individually, and blesses families! I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I love my mission!
---Matthew on 21 July 2014

Courtney got baptized, and her husband was able to baptize her! Yay! Her in-laws came into town to be here for her, and they are from Utah. The downfall was during church their truck got stolen, and they had left everything in it! I can't believe some people! We're going over today to see if they were able to find the truck yet. Other than that, some old missionaries who went home including my last companion came back to visit, and it was awesome seeing them. Shelia (the one that we have been working with) and the Veetches surprised us by coming to church on Sunday. And Sister Murray's daughther came and is now living with her, which is awesome. She is so happy to have her family together, and I love working with them.  :D  Not much else other than the fact that transfers are in 2 weeks, and I know that either I will be getting a new companion or leaving the area. President told me himself haha, and my parents told me a few weeks ago haha. They are in close contact with the president haha.  :D

As for the spiritual experience we had soon after Anthony's passing, we were driving in an apartment complex and we saw this girl (our age) crying on the curb with a few suitcases. We drove past, but then we felt like we needed to go back and talk to her, so we parked and ran to her... She opened up and told us how her home life sucks and how her boyfriend just passed away... We hugged and I was able to share my experience of having lost Anthony not even a few weeks earlier and how I knew that we would be able to see them again. I testified of the Plan of Happiness, and we were able to give her a Book of Mormon and tell her that it was all going to work out, that she just needed to trust in the Lord and trust that the Book of Mormon could help. We were able to get contact info, and we've been able to see her a few times since then.  :D  I know I am where I am supposed to be, even if it is a challenge at times, but hey, the Lord cares about our growth and progression in becoming more like Him than He does about our 100% comfort  :D

---Cassandra on 21 July 2014

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