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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Service among good people

I have been doing good this week. It has been cloudy and rained quite a bit here. Tuesday Elder Harker got sick. We think it was the flu, so we had to stay at our apartment for most of the day, but he is feeling better than he was, which is good, and I haven't caught it yet, other than a small sore throat. We were able to do more service than we have done. We helped Tony in our ward with his Eagle project. We laid mulch at an elementary school from 8 am to 11 am, than we had lunch and helped someone else in our ward move, and after that we were able to do yard work for one of our investigators, Melinda, which was good. With her husband from Brazil, she has two kids: 2 years old and 4 months old. Also I was able to have African food a few times with one of or other investigators, Melvin who is from Africa. It tasted good, but it's not my favorite, only because when they cook meat, they cook everything: bone, fat, skin, and something else that I think was cartilage. Also today we have a Labor Day picnic with our ward, which will be fun.

The best thing we were able to do this week was probably service. We were able to teach the Restoration to 2 people, which was good.

---David on 1 September 2014

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