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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cassandra is home!

Cassandra finished her mission early and flew home from Seattle on October 21st. She had been living and working in her third area, in Renton. Ever since Anthony's death in May, she had been dealing with depression. The mission president and his wife were wonderful and made sure Cassandra got all the help she needed, including counseling and medication. But the medication had bad side-effects like headaches, and in the end they decided to give her a chance to recuperate at home.
We met her at the St. George Airport, and she was released from her mission by the stake president. She looks good and has been very positive about the whole experience.

Shortly after her arrival at home, Sherrena and Tonya and Cassandra made a trip to Yosemite National Park. They had a very nice time. Then Cassandra took a trip to visit a friend from her mission in Montana.
Cassandra was here for Thanksgiving and will be with us for Christmas as well, and then she is planning to move to a place near Billings, Montana.
So although she needed to rest from her missionary labors, Cassandra is feeling good and moving forward in a positive way. We are glad to have her around again.

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