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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How to explain these experiences?

I am doing really great! I am going to the temple this next week, so that's really exciting. I am learning so much on my mission! It helps me grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Really helps me prepare for the future that lays ahead of us! But the work is hard to explain in any part of the world or area that you're in. I think about that every day almost. How can I explain this to my family and friends? It's like being in a complete different world that has no distractions, because there are no girls, no technology, no worldly things, and you are free of any addictions and distractions. So you can really focus on what really "matters most." I am very grateful for the Gospel and the atonement that Jesus Christ performed for me and everyone! I love being a missionary!

---Matthew on 20 October 2014

We had transfers this past week. Here we get an e-mail or a call if you're a district leader or zone leader on Monday and then on Wednesday for me. I did work in my area with another nearby missionary, and Elder Harker and his companion drove to where they were switching and we met up with our new companions a few hours after. I stayed in the same area, which is good. My new companion is Elder Foggin. He is from Canada. He is into hockey and hunting. He has been out for around 10 months, and we get along pretty well. He is Native American and is really awesome.

This week has been good. We were able to do some good finding, and we went through the area book and got a list of names that we are going to stop by this week. We have seen good things happen with a few of the people we met from the area book. Also we have been meeting with Vivian, one of our investigators. She knows that she needs to be baptized, but she is afraid to make that commitment and not be faithful, so there are some things we need to help her with. And we had another good lesson with Melinda, another investigator, which was good. Also we have been helping a less active member family, the Davises. Bro. Davis has 2 kids. He is around 22, and we have been working with him. He got into some bad habits in his past with the Word of Wisdom. He wants to stop, which is good. I have been doing pretty good. I just got a little sick these past few days, but nothing too bad that would stop us from doing the Lord's work.

---David on 20 October 2014

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