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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rough days are worth it

I am doing very well! I am about to hit my 3-month mark soon! And it has gone by like a bullet leaving a gun barrel! It's just gone by soooo fast! Some days are rough, but most days are well worth it, and I am glad I made the sacrifice and choice to serve, labor, and teach Heavenly Father's children and bring them back into the fold. They should have the same opportunity that I have to all the blessings Heavenly Father has given me!

The rough days can be boring, exhausting, frustrating, sad, and hard. Days like that can occur when we haven't had any success on one day, due to rejection and things like that. People aren't always the nicest in the world. But that's when the miracles come in and you knock on that one door or meet that one person who is ready to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how they can apply those teachings to their lives.

I know this church is true! I love Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ with all my heart! Thank you for all your support and love!

---Matthew on 8 September 2014

BTW, it looks like various bands of thunderstorms have passed by David in the Minneapolis area in recent weeks and the weather is cooling down. Currently raining there, and they're only expecting a high of 54 degrees today. Winter is coming in the North...