Lift up your voice!

Monday, August 25, 2014

What should I become?

I am doing well! I finished my 1st transfer about 2 weeks ago. And I am still in Dexter, New Mexico for another transfer, until this one gets over on Sept. 23rd. So I have 3 more weeks of being trained, and after that I have the potential to become a regular missionary, trainer, District Leader, Zone Leader, or whatever the Lord wants me to become.
I had ward conference recently in my mission ward. And the stake presidency spoke along with the bishop. And every talk was related to missionary work. In this life and the next. A question the stake president asked:

"What does the Lord need me to be?"

So I asked myself that and prayed about it. And I am waiting for an answer, but my mission is helping me grow soo much! Thanks for all your love and support!

---Matthew on 25 August 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014